Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom
Contact us for more information about:
- A Work of Love (AWOL)
- Adopt-a-block
- Bridge of Hope
- Car Ministry
- College Student Ministry
- Community Closet
- COP Projects
- Dorcas Ministry
- Helping Hands for the Homeless
- Providing Meals
- Missionaries
- Mission Central
- Mothers of Preschoolers
- Sierra Leone Partnership
- Special Sunday Offerings
- United Methodist Committee on Relief
- Young Life
Client choice food pantry located at 10 Church Street - off the parking lot. Appointments are recommended. Distribution is every other Saturday from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm. The institution is an equal opportunity provider. Click food pantry link for more information.

Car Ministry
The Car Ministry is just one of many ways that our church is answering Jesus’s command to love our neighbor. Many of our neighbors struggle every day with transportation.
Provision of rapid re-housing or prevention services helps women to secure and maintain permanent housing. Professional staff offer resource development, life skills education, and financial support to single women with children.
A Work of Love (branch of Adopt-A-Block) is a Fall project for SUMC youth and other devoted followers of Christ. SUMC creates a list of needs from neighbors and families in the church who may be in need. The crew works with them to meet basic needs and build relationships – all for the cause of Christ!

Dorcas Ministry

Sierra Leone Church
GROW FOOD.GIVE FOOD,SERVE OTHERS First Fruits Farm is a non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to providing fresh, nutritious produce to those experiencing hunger in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Adopt-A-Block trains and mobilizes small armies of devoted followers of Christ to go into neighborhoods of poverty, in order to meet basic needs and build relationships – all for the cause of Christ!

Hope International is a group of Christ-followers motivated by the Great Commission and the Greatest Commandment to love God, love our neighbors, and make disciples of all nations.

At MOPS, we gather and support moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together.