For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Jesus taught that there is only one way - the Jesus Christ way of self-sacrificing action. It is God's way of love in us and in the end it is the actions that matter.

Volunteer Leaders
Connie Zetterman
Church Administrative Assistant
Connie can direct most of your questions to our ministry leaders and also cares for volunteer scheduling around worship as well as the church calendar.
Janet Fischer-Byers
Outreach Team Leader
Janet leads our Outreach Team. She can direct you to opportunities to serve in the community and the world. The team also considers proposals for new ministries.
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Sunday morning we always need - Worship Team Members, Musicians, Tech, Ushers, Greeters, Hosts
Children's Ministry always needs leaders and helpers.
If you are willing, God has a serve opportunity for you.
We are a Safe Sanctuary Church. Those who work with children or vulnerable adults
must have the necessary clearances and training.
Children's Ministry always needs leaders and helpers.
If you are willing, God has a serve opportunity for you.
We are a Safe Sanctuary Church. Those who work with children or vulnerable adults
must have the necessary clearances and training.