Jesus said: Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:4-5
We all have personal needs for a secure identity, a significant purpose, and a strong sense of belonging. ABIDE is an opportunity to experience and participate in a community striving to connect with Christ, which loves and supports one another. We believe remaining in God is our foundation for fulfilling the needs of every human heart and flourishing.
Our MISSION at ABIDE is to be a youth group that provides a regular opportunity for all interested students in grades 6-12 to grow in faith and friendship by meeting together for fun, learning, and service through our weekly meetings and monthly events.
Our VISION for youth group is a setting where students have the opportunity to receive and savor the love, lessons, and joy of Jesus while finding peace in a welcoming place to center themselves from the busyness of life and purpose through expressing/developing themselves and deepening relationships with others who care about them and sharing their gifts by engaging with each other and the world around us. Youth group is a time of leisure and contemplation about our lives where we can explore faith, true friendship, and virtuous service while having fun along the way.
We all have personal needs for a secure identity, a significant purpose, and a strong sense of belonging. ABIDE is an opportunity to experience and participate in a community striving to connect with Christ, which loves and supports one another. We believe remaining in God is our foundation for fulfilling the needs of every human heart and flourishing.
Our MISSION at ABIDE is to be a youth group that provides a regular opportunity for all interested students in grades 6-12 to grow in faith and friendship by meeting together for fun, learning, and service through our weekly meetings and monthly events.
Our VISION for youth group is a setting where students have the opportunity to receive and savor the love, lessons, and joy of Jesus while finding peace in a welcoming place to center themselves from the busyness of life and purpose through expressing/developing themselves and deepening relationships with others who care about them and sharing their gifts by engaging with each other and the world around us. Youth group is a time of leisure and contemplation about our lives where we can explore faith, true friendship, and virtuous service while having fun along the way.